Family TIES offers presentations and skill-building workshops created to support families of children and youth with special needs. Workshops are available throughout the state free of charge.


What is Family TIES? – is a presentation for parent groups and agencies that work with families with children with special health care needs and disabilities. The presentation covers a definition of Family TIES, resources offered through Family TIES, the Federation for Children with Special Needs, the Division of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs at the Department of Public Health, and information on topics such as medical home and health care transition. Contact your Regional Coordinator to inquire about a presentation today!

Let’s Get Organized (LGO) – Parents of children with special needs manage busy lives and often lots of paperwork. Many ask, how do I keep it all straight? This workshop helps parents work with their own strengths and successes, providing concrete ways to expand their organizational skills. Contact your Family TIES Regional Coordinator, email or call our toll-free line: 800-905-8437 to ask about scheduled workshops – or to arrange one for your group.  A minimum of 20 parents must register and attend. Materials for this workshop are available in English and Spanish.

Listening & Learning (P2P Volunteer Support Parent Training) – Would you like to share your experiences with other parents? Raising children brings unique gifts and perspectives to parents. By sharing the wisdom that comes from each challenge we face along the way, we lighten the load of those who follow us while validating the value of the lessons we have learned.  Our Listening & Learning workshop is geared to build your listening skills, an important step to becoming a volunteer Support Parent for our Parent to Parent Program. We rely on Support Parents to offer compassionate listening to parents who are facing challenges in raising their children with special needs. Support Parents are trained to listen, share concerns, and offer information and support while respecting confidentiality, cultural and individual differences.  Our Listening and Learning Support Parent Training is available in English and Spanish.  Click here for more information or contact the P2P coordinator to schedule a training for your group or yourself today.  Call 617-399-8382 or email